No More Futures

No More Futures

We are running out of futures”-Brian Eno

Used to be,

don’t that sound like a crochety old man,

like “what will the Village Blacksmith do if we all drive flivvers”

Used to be

that we all saw a future

and at least some of it

at least some of it

was an improve over

the past and present

Used to be

that you wanted to be around

in five ten twenty years

and now some of the people I speak to

just some of the people I speak to say maybe

but what’s gonna be

so great about 2030 anyhow

Used to be

you could look at next

and think maybe it will be

at least or better maybe

maybe we have to adjust our present

and consume less, slow down,

seek more inside of ourselves and our loves,

seek more inside of ouselves and our loves

maybe there’s a good future coming if if if

we just let it

if we just let it

About bobsmall1

Update; Bob Small has been posting, for a while, at URL : a recent Blog post, vary between local and national politics and whatever. Still Blogging Poetry etc on this Blog. Bob Small has read at Bacchanal, Barnes and Noble, Borders, The Booksource (Swarthmore), The Clark Park Festivals,Community College of Philadelphia Highwire Gallery, The Mad Poets Annual Food Fest Reading, The Middle East Restaurant, Nexus GalleryThe Painted Bride Arts Center, The Philadelphia Ethical Society, Robin's Bookstore and other venues that have moved or ceased existence. The University of Pennsylvania and also in New York City, Trenton, NJ, Washington, DC, and in many Delaware Valley Venues. He is the author of numerous chapbooks, including El Otro Lado (with Maralyn Lois Polak), On watching America Die, Small Steps and Toes (with Lamont B. Steptoe), and The Unapoet. Bob Small was Founder and President of the two decades old Poets and Prophets, which presented Poetry Readings in both Delaware County and Philadelphia. Bob was the Chair of The Delaware County Green Party and was the First Green Party Candidate in Delaware County (2005). He was also a Green Party National Delegate, among other duties. He is the Founder and Facilitator of The Pennsylvania Ballot Access Coalition (PaBac), which is a Coalition of both Independents and Third Parties., seeking to legislatively improve Pennsylvania's Ballot Access Laws. (Facebook) Bob is also a founding member and Facilitator of Democracy Unplugged, and Delco Debates, which has presented Independent and Third Party Forums in Delaware County since 2004. Facebook) He was formerly involved with Cinema Resistance, and Delco Pledge of Resistance. Bob currently lives in Swarthmore with his wife and their menagerie of animals. He is currently focused on writing a Novel/ 10 minute plays, trying to see his 45 collection and organizing his Poetry, which he posts on his Blog (Bob Small1). He is retired from most of the above activities, except Pennsylvania Ballot Access Coalition.
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